The lion probably does not want to continue living when he dares to touch the baby of the famous ferocious giraffe

South African safari guide and wildlife photographer Mike Dexter captured a tragic incident involving a mother giraffe and a lioness in Masai Mara, Kenya. In his series of photos, the…

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When hippos become aggressive and actively hunt, lions can also become delicious food

Hippos are large, have thick skin, and are capable of living both on land and in water. They often live in areas of rivers, lakes and swamps, and are one…

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The crocodile commits a crime in the lion’s territory and a tragic outcome is inevitable

Crocodiles are truly terrifying predators if they are underwater. But when on the shore, crocodiles are not afraid of any animal, including lions. A wrong thinking made this crocodile pay…

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The wildebeest meets two lions and creates the first pain in the lion’s life

The wildebeest is a special animal in Africa with a quite special appearance and courage. Wildebeests have destroyed many lion hunts and left many pains for lions in the future.…

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The leopard was engrossed in fighting the honey badger and was lured down to meet the death

Honey badgers are the most stubborn animals in the wild and they often confront the most fearsome predators such as lions, leopards, hyenas… But with strength and courage, honey badgers…

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The lion completed the flight training of 500 wild buffalos and ended his life in pain

A big battle happened and the lion had to pay a heavy price for disregarding the strength of the buffalo herd. Hundreds of buffaloes are gathering at a lake to…

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The antelope is no longer as gentle as usual and it has learned how to defeat the crocodile

Antelopes are weak herbivores and they can only run away when in danger but that is their survival instinct and sometimes there are many magical moments that happen. An antelope…

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The crocodile painfully gave up his 500kg meal because he was harassed and chased by the hippo

Hippos are ferocious animals and they love to pick fights with crocodiles. Because they live in a water environment, the hippo is afraid that the crocodile will harm its children…

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Mother gazelle rushed into the eagle’s claws to save her baby and waiting a miracle

A series of heartwarming images shows a brave mother gazelle trying to save her baby from the claws of a giant eagle. The mother gazelle approaches the bird of prey…

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The lion tried to destroy the hippo’s skin, but the hippo wanted to send the lion down to meet the death

Hippos are large animals with thick skin and are quite difficult to defeat, but lions often test them to prove their strength. A baby hippo lost its mother and is…

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