The Asian golden eagle, also known as the Mongolian eagle, is one of the largest birds of prey on the planet. An adult eagle weighs about 6.5 kg, body length from 66 – 102 cm, wingspan is more than 2m.

The claws on the eagle’s feet are curved and sharp. This set of sharp claws is their powerful weapon in attacking and capturing prey. Once they have identified the target, it will be difficult for the prey to escape a painful death.

The video was recorded in Bayan-Ölgii province in Mongolia. Specifically, a wolf is being grabbed and fiercely attacked by two golden eagles.

Under the sharp claws and sturdy beak of the enemy, the wolf has almost no chance to defend. After struggling for a while, it could only helplessly lie down and endure the battle.

The eagle’s owners came to pull the wolf out, but the eagle’s talons still gripped the wolf and wouldn’t let go.

It is known that the golden eagles were raised and trained by the Mongols from a young age for the purpose of hunting. It has sharp eyes, sharp claws, and a beak hard enough to nibble on any prey.

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