During this hunting trip, the hyenas targeted a baby calf. To be able to defeat their prey, the entire hyena herd had to mobilize almost all their strength when up to 20 members participated in this hunt.

However, when the hyenas lined up and rushed to attack, the herd of adult wild buffalo immediately responded fiercely.

To protect their young members from aggressive, bloodthirsty enemies, the wild buffalo herd gathered in a circle, pointing their sharp horns outward to create a solid layer of protection. They always maintain this formation even though sometimes hyenas try to harass and disrupt.

In the end, thanks to their collective strength, the wild buffalo herd drove away the hyenas and successfully protected the young in the herd.

The African buffalo is one of the largest and most widespread herbivores in Africa. When hunted by predators, a herd will stick together and make things difficult for the predator.

The calf’s cry for help will receive the attention of the mother buffalo and the whole herd. Adult buffaloes will herd their calves into the central area and take turns fighting the enemy.

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