Eagles are excellent hunters, hunting small animals such as rabbits, fish, and even other birds. They can hunt from above, using their powerful claws to capture and kill their prey.

But sometimes eagles are also ready to confront predators on the ground such as wolves, foxes and some small and medium sized predators.

A wonderful moment recorded on Youtube shows the bravery and bravery of an eagle when confronting a fox.

The eagle was feasting on a wild boar carcass and soon a fox appeared. Realizing that the meal could be stolen, the brave eagle was able to fight the fox.

But in contrast to the eagle, the fox seems quite timid and cautious. The fox did not want to take risks and was afraid of the eagle’s determined attitude.

It seems that the fox will wait for the eagle to eat its fill and will enjoy its meal a little later. It wanted to avoid an unnecessary battle, which was wise.


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