Wildebeest and other herbivores make large migrations in search of new food sources, and the crocodile battles in the water are unmissable.

Although wildebeests swim quite well and are very brave, this is the kingdom of crocodiles and they only need to do simple things to keep the wildebeest in the water.

There are countless moments worth watching, but watch how this wildebeest fights to survive.

It bravely crossed the crocodile-filled river but could not find a way out of the river. It is exhausted from swimming in the fast-flowing water and needs to eat grass to replenish its energy.

One crocodile has fallen at the hands of the antelope and another is approaching. But the wildebeest had experience and time to rest, so it quickly ran away.

After being pulled back into the deep water, it stood up strongly again and this time it successfully escaped.

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