A peculiar and dramatic incident occurred in a small lake where elephants were enjoying the cool water. Suddenly, a crocodile attacked them, causing the elephants to panic and scream.

Specifically, a crocodile attacked a herd of elephants while they were drinking water. Despite its smaller size, the crocodile boldly bit an elephant’s trunk as it tried to drink.

The crocodile seemed unfazed by the physical size difference and even dared to confront the largest members of the herd.

Every time the elephants came to drink, the crocodile would appear to intimidate them. Initially, these encounters were minor skirmishes meant to scare and chase away the crocodile.

However, as the elephants grew less afraid, the crocodile began attacking them each time they came to drink.

The climax occurred when the crocodile stayed still, allowing an elephant to drink a few sips as if nothing was amiss. As the elephant bent down to drink again, the crocodile clamped onto its trunk with all its might.

The elephant cried out in pain and tried to retreat, but the crocodile held on tightly. The elephant had to pull the crocodile out of the water, with it still hanging from its trunk.

Eventually, the elephant lifted the crocodile to the shore, whereupon a group of elephants trampled the predator to death, before leaving the scene in a heavy mood.

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