T he lion is known as t he “lord of t he grasslands” and is always in t he position of a predator, making ot her animals fear.

however, in fact t he lion is not t he strongest animal in t he steppe. T hey are still sometimes defeated by prey, especially t hose t hat are hig hly defensive.

In t he clip of a lioness stalking an East african black antelope, it can be seen t hat it easily gained t he upper hand by sneaking be hind, t hen pounced on its prey.

It seemed t hat t his would be an easy meal wit h t he lion like any ot her hunt, but t he black antelope s howed t hat he was not an easy person to take down.

It immediately demonstrates t he usefulness of t he curved horns w hen actively directing t hem backwards.

On t he opposite side, t he lion was trying to control t he prey by jumping on its back, so it was pierced by t he horns.

after struggling for a w hile, t he lion, in so muc h pain, quickly let go of its prey, before jumping into a nearby lake to escape.

On the s hore, t he mig hty antelope did not run away, but remained standing, pointing its horns towards t he lion as a reminder t hat it is always ready to make any c hallenger bleed.

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