The lion, often referred to as the “lord of the grasslands,” is typically seen as a fearsome predator, instilling fear in other animals. However, despite their fearsome reputation, lions are not always the strongest creatures on the savanna. They can sometimes be overpowered by prey, especially those with strong defensive capabilities.

In one clip, a lioness is shown stalking an East African black antelope. Initially, the lioness seems to have the upper hand as she stealthily approaches from behind and pounces on her prey.

It appeared that this would be just another easy meal for the lion, but the black antelope quickly proved otherwise.

The antelope demonstrated the effectiveness of its curved horns by skillfully directing them backward at its attacker. As the lion attempted to subdue the antelope by leaping onto its back, it was suddenly impaled by the sharp horns.

After a brief struggle, the lion, overwhelmed by pain, released its grip on the antelope and quickly retreated into a nearby lake to escape.

On the shore, the mighty antelope did not flee but instead stood its ground, pointing its horns at the lion as a warning that it is always ready to defend itself and make any challenger pay the price.

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