The mother elephant destroyed the hyena’s attack plan in every way to protect the baby elephant

The hyena is a carnivorous mammal, mainly distributed in Africa and a small part in Asia. Hyenas are famous for their characteristic laughter-like calls and are extremely patient hunters. How…

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Greedy Cheetah fell into the crocodile’s trap and painfully apologized to leave

Crocodiles are fearsome predators and it is difficult to defeat crocodiles in their kingdom. A cheetah is very hungry and craves food immediately. It saw a delicious antelope being enjoyed…

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The wild buffalo and its cubs went through a difficult time when they were attacked by the Komodo dragon

On a vast grassland, an intense battle unfolds between a mother buffalo and a ferocious Komodo dragon. The dangerous young buffalo, standing alone and unaware of the hidden danger, becomes…

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The zebra fights until the last moment to defeat the lion king

Zebras are unique animals that thrive in open environments and often travel in small herds. Known for their friendly and intelligent nature, zebras can adapt to harsh conditions, making them…

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Baboons wait for the golden time to improve their meal from the agony of their impala

Baboons are large primates, present in many areas of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. They live in herds with a complex social structure, dominated by males. Baboons are omnivorous, with…

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The crocodile was in pain because he appeared at the wrong time and suffered the weight of a 1-ton elephant pressing down

Elephants will become extremely ferocious when they detect danger and especially when they are protecting their newly born babies. Imagine an animal weighing more than 1 ton pressing on you…

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The tiger demonstrated top skills when escaping from the crocodile’s jaws in a split second

The tiger is the largest animal in the cat family, distinguished by its characteristic striped fur and outstanding strength. They live in jungles, tropical rainforests and grasslands, mainly hunting large…

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The leopard sadly feels the pain created by the wildebeest’s horns because looking for lunch from wildebeest meat

Leopards are predators with a higher success rate than lions, but sometimes they encounter stubborn prey and suffer painful defeats. The wildebeest, with their bravery, fearsome horns and buffalo-like strength,…

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Cheetah passes on the painful and fierce lessons of antelope hunting to her children

Cheetah is a predator that uses speed and sudden attacks to take down its prey. Possessing incredible strength, cheetah is not strong enough to fight large prey. A moment of…

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Lucky little monkey was rescued from the crocodile’s mouth and felt the love of his family

Monkeys are social animals and it is difficult for them to be defeated if their collective strength is used. A crocodile had the painful experience of losing its meal while…

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