Zebras are famous for their special colors and bravery in decisive survival battles. For leopards to have a successful hunt, they will certainly have to overcome the stubbornness of zebras.

A leopard is hiding in a hole in the bed of a dry river. The leopard is here to wait for an opportunity to attack and bring back food for its cubs.

Very quickly there were many animals moving through the river and the leopard wanted a small prey to easily carry back to the nest.

A young zebra appeared and the leopard immediately attacked. The enemy suddenly appeared from behind and the young zebra was quickly captured.

The leopard wanted to quickly steal the baby zebra and run away, but the mother zebra rushed to the rescue.

The zebra’s strength was terrifying and the leopard seemed scared. But unfortunately the baby zebra couldn’t stand up and run away.

A bad result when the mother zebra had to leave in pain.

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