Cheetah is a predator that uses speed and sudden attacks to take down its prey. Possessing incredible strength, cheetah is not strong enough to fight large prey.

A moment of mother cheetah’s pain speaks to the fierceness of the wild world.

Mother Cheetah goes hunting with her cubs and she is trying to teach hunting skills to her cubs. But it seems that this prey is too large compared to the size of the mother cheetah.

A huge antelope was running away and the mother cheetah quickly caught it. When there is no way out, the antelope chooses to fight.

The mother Cheetah and her babies seemed to become weak in a battle of strength and they were unable to hold on to the antelope.

A few seconds of carelessness gave the antelope a chance to counterattack and end the battle. Mother Cheetah received painful blows and had to run away with a large hole in her body.

The lesson of pain and fierceness of the wild world is successfully taught by mother cheetah.

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