Wild dogs pretend to be dead to find a chance to escape from deadly lions

The wіɩd dog ‘саme back to life’ after being dragged around by the lioness A wіɩd dog managed to pull off a great eѕсарe by playing deаd after finding itself…

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The lion painfully received a cruel fate because it was secretly attacked and revenged by the pack hyenas

On the African plains, a tense fight breaks out between a pack of hyenas and a determined lion. Hyenas, although small compared to lions, live in groups and know how…

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The tiny black spider struggles to cooking food for a month from mice and snakes

You will be surprised by the strength of spiders and their silk. An amazing power and it can kill snakes and possibly rats. The unexpected video was filmed in an…

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The lion painfully ran away from the death because he underestimated the strength of the buffalo

On the vast plains of Africa, scenes of strength and resistance unfold under the scorching sun. This is where the Savanna stretches as far as the eye can see. In…

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Leopards make the final attack to rescue their cubs from crazy baboons

A scene full of horror and love from a mother when her child was taken away by a baboon took place in a forest filled with natural colors that attracted…

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The cobra was in pain because he underestimated the eagle’s strength and thought he could kill 10 eagles in one attack.

In the clip, an eagle hunting a brown snake is having an uncompromising confrontation with a jungle cobra. This snake is native to Africa and is also the longest snake…

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The eagle demonstrates its strength when it tries to teach the lion to fly

An eagle attacking a lion is a rare occurrence, as eagles are typically known to prey on smaller animals such as rodents and birds. However, in some cases, an eagle…

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Topi mother performed a death kick at the cheetah and won, saving the baby’s life

Topi are great mothers in the natural world, predators that are often defeated by the brave and fearsome horns of the Topi. 2 cheetahs were trying to catch a newborn…

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Amazing video: Mother ostrich fiercely defeпdѕ her baby аɡаіпѕt the planet’s deаdɩіeѕt ргedаtoг

When lions and ostriches sprint, which ѕрeсіeѕ will emerge victorious, given their remarkable speed in the wіɩd? Initially, a lion with black and white fur саᴜɡһt the sight of the…

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The lion performs the duties of death and waits to take the life of the newborn zebra

In the footage, a lioness can be observed stealthily approaching a group of zebras before ɩаᴜпсһіпɡ a sudden аttасk, triggering a fгапtіс eѕсарe. Exploiting the ensuing сһаoѕ, the lioness skillfully…

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