Buffalo is the lion’s favorite prey, not because it is easy to defeat but because the reward is extremely worth the effort that the lion spends if successful. The only concern of the lion is the extremely sharp buffalo horns.

Therefore, they often choose young calves or if they hunt adult buffalo, the lion will have to coordinate the strength of many members of his herd.

While wandering in the grassland, a herd of wild buffalo suddenly caught the eye of a lioness. Thanks to its outstanding speed, the lion easily chased and caught a young buffalo.

Immediately after, it bites down on its prey’s neck to finish off its opponent. However, the hunt did not end so easily.

Discovering that the young is in danger, the mother buffalo immediately rushes to attack the lion fiercely. It even used its horns to ram the lord of the grasslands into the air to save his poor child.

Knowing that he was weak, the lion immediately ran away. This hunt will probably make it regret because it lost the meal right in its mouth. With serious injuries, the lion died 2 days later.


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