When the warthog are angry, the lion king also falls at its feet.

The wild boar is a small animal but full of courage. With its modest size, wild boars are prey for many animals. Continuously facing danger in daily life makes wild…

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The zebra said goodbye to the crocodile and went to the feast of young grass before him

How to escape from crocodiles and deadly rivers. This zebra was really lucky today when it escaped from the crocodile’s mouth. Let’s see what this zebra did to escape! Zebras…

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The little monkey used the luck of his whole life to miraculously escape from the crocodile’s mouth

Crocodiles are dangerous animals in the water and they can attack any animal in their territory. A baby is being captured by a crocodile and will it be able to…

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The tiger suddenly attacked the cow, but the cow wants to meet death than be with the tiger

Tiger is known for their strength, agility, and stealthy hunting abilities, capable of taking prey down much larger than themselves. In India, tigers often hunt cows and have intense battles…

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The leopard struggled in the deadly circle created by the rock python and enjoyed the pain

Leopards are the best predators in the wild and they are not afraid of the power of rock pythons. Sometimes giant rock pythons can become a delicious meal for hungry…

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The mother chicken accepts the fight with the cobra to protect her chicks

This is a touching story about motherly love and the courage of hens. Hens, like many other animals, have a very strong instinct to protect their young. When in danger,…

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Black spiders add snakes to the lunch menu and enjoy deliciously

You will be surprised by the strength of spiders and their silk. An amazing power and it can kill snakes and possibly rats. The unexpected video was filmed in an…

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The lion refused death and rushed into the crocodile river to start a war and find a way to survive

Crocodiles and lions are the most fearsome predators in the wild world. They often have thrilling and sometimes deadly encounters. This is a special case. A hungry lion was trying…

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The baboon enjoys the moment of victory when he is able to defeat the cheetah easily

A tense confrontation between a baboon and a cheetah, all over food. This cheetah was resting because it had just finished enjoying its lunch of antelope meat and a large…

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The gecko tries to destroy the snake’s head to save its friend from death

Geckos are small animals and have excellent adaptability to many different habitats, hunting with an extremely fast sloth. Because it is a small animal, geckos become prey for many animals.…

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